Friday, August 8, 2014


A few years ago, the Iowa State Fair was recognized by a national magazine as one of the top leisure destinations in the country. Right up there with the likes of Disneyland. As far as I'm concerned, during the month of August it's where to be at least in the state of Iowa and I would bet a few other states thrown in for chuckles. 

Where do I start. Let's start with my first phase of of what over the years has been an annual tradition if not once during the ten day run but on occasion at least two trips. First, I never parked inside the fair. Just the out of town people do that, not us pros. My preference was just west of the main entrance on Des Moines street and I would park in someone's yard. Usually a block from the main west entrance. It was almost a sport to locate a "yard" close but not too close. Within a couple of minutes,  I was at the main west gate entrance.

Once in, my usual routine was to walk east on Grand Avenue(the main con-course) and make my way up the hill to the cultural building that housed the art work and prize photographs. Every year I said the same thing after viewing a favorite painting. If only I would have purchased just one piece each year of an Iowa artist, what a great collection I would have had. A minor regret.

Coming back down, it was a must to take the sky glider and take in breath-taking view of the fair from above  especially around sunset. All the beautiful lighting of the vendors along Grand Avenue and the mid-way and just watching all the fair-goers. Unbelievable.

Once down,you maybe head for a nostalgic stroll through the mid-way especially in the evening when the mid-way looks it best. There is something magical about all the rides at night even knowing how sick you would be on riding most of them. It's fun to watch the carnies trying to coax you into a game of chance or two. Besides, how hard can it be to knock over a lead filled milk container with an extremely light softball.

Next, even though it doesn't change much year to year, it's time to go through the Varied Industries building. Just outside are many venders selling all kinds of things. My favorite is what I call the "slicer-dicer guy."  He makes this cutting contraption look so easy to work and easily change numerous cutting blades. Am always amazed that people get suckered into buying this cheap----.

Once inside the now called the Bill Knapp Varied Industries building, we are ready to go through rows and rows of everything from companies selling pianos, organs, soft-water systems, windows, hot-tubs and on and on. Most all with free drawings. Sometimes it was fun to fill in a friend's name and let the poor sucker get the solicitation calls! Upstairs were where they displayed quilts. Call me crazy but, I always enjoyed that.

Generally, after coming down from the Cultural building, I would swing through the live-stock buildings and at least catch the biggest pig or Boer and the biggest Bull along with the exotic chickens, horse barn and much more. I've always said you can't beat watching a thousand pound pig just laying there!

Somewhere along the way you have to find a bench at a good vantage point and just watch people. That may be the best part of the fair! Through the years, I have taken in some judging and competition. That's always great if you have the time and energy to spend a whole day and pick a few select events. 

One swipe through the Ag. building is interesting but not my favorite  The Old Timer's building is fun if your into the flea market scene and old "stuff." And, not each time, but, once in awhile it's an eye opener  to go through the farm implement area and check out a new tractor that is listed for close to $400,000.   To be continued.


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