Friday, August 22, 2014


The other day, a lady at the Burg Grocery, had trouble remembering her PIN number after swiping her debit card. She struggled a bit then PRESTO! This, I'm sure, has happened to us all at one time or another.

Helping her out with her groceries,  I mentioned that when someone asks for the last 4 digis of my Social Security number, I have to think through my entire number before spitting out the last four numbers. 

Also, when asked about my phone number, and if on occasion go blank, if I write it down I'm OK, same goes for my bank account number. Where I bank now the number is so long that I don't even try to memorize it.

In addition, they tell you for security purposes not to have the same security numbers for everthing. By the time with multiple accounts that we have for computer stuff, it becomes a nightmare  to log or remember it all. After all, who can keep straight which account you have that you must log in your pet's name, best man at your wedding, favorite teacher, or your mother's maiden name.  Then is it or something else and whether it's your user ID name or Email address.

I rest my case!

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