Monday, August 25, 2014


It's hard to comprehend today the event, and ones like it, held in Laurel, Iowa on September 24th, 1904. This year would be the 110th  anniversary of that race. It was billed "The Big Field Day" and the main feature of the day was a footrace, a 100 yard dash, between two young men, Henry Smith, age 22, of Laurel, and Haarve Morgan, of Kellogg, for a purse of $30.00

Several interesting observations should be noted about this event. First, what was the Big Field Day? One could assume it was simply a celebration around harvest time and similar to our various fall festivals held still today. Septmber 24th, 1904, was on a Saturday. Many town events could not be held on a Sunday!

Second, to think that a main attraction, anywhere, would be watching two people engage in a 100 yard foot-race. And, the fact that it would attract hundreds of people all dressed up and probably in fairly hot weather. (With no air-conditioning and all those layers of clothing)

Third, the purse was $30.00. Again, for the time, that was a decent amount of money. My Grandpa Smith also had promoters, Ball & Blankey, which it isn't known their exact roll. 

Fourth, the Laurel Centennial Book (1881-1981, book, page 63) mentions his rival being a John Donnelson, a farm-hand who was trained by a Bill McIllrath. Despite the discrepancies with different accounts of the name of the competitor, promoters, and the year held, one could assume there were several races during that period of time. Especially, when there were promoters, big purses, and the fact that Henry Smith had his own track shoes, and jersey or shirt which I possess as of this original writing (2008)and currently(2014).  Also, I hold the original photograph of the race taken by a professional photographer at the time looking east on a Market Street off Highway 14.

Lastly. and unfortunately, my grandfather lost this race. (See Photoghraph).  Of significance was his bride-to-be, Minnie Schultz, age 15, was there attending the race and I'm sure cheering Henry on! 

       Re-written 8/24/2014 (Picture of race will be posted 8/26/2014)                                                                                                                                                                    
Henry in black

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