Saturday, August 9, 2014


Some of you might remember Margaret from "Dennis the Menace" comics.  She was always giving him fits. Thus my story begins.

In my school class we had around fifteen boys to five girls at any given time. So why did my closest playmate as a kid have to be a "girl." Only a quarter of a mile away or just down the rode aways. If you were a city kid that was like across the street.

Don't get me wrong, Karen was just an ordinary girl but when you're a young boy most girls seem to be a pain. Her parents were great people and I really liked them. When my Dad died when I was nine, Karen's mother Phyllis was a great comfort to my mother. 

When we played together, it always seemed that Karen was well let's say "bossy." She was also a lonely child. Plus, girls like to play their "game" of house and all that generally not cowboys and indians. I think it has to do with nurturing and well that's the way I see it! 

There were times when she would get mad at me and would say; "Well, I'm leaving and not coming back here." She always came back! I was the only game in town at least close by.

Sometimes I think growing up with two sisters, my Mom, female teachers, and KAREN, it's a wonder I didn't turn out  a little stranger than I did!

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