Tuesday, August 26, 2014


     With all this hot and muggy weather this past few days of late summer,  (8/25/2014), I'm reminded of that one last week of August when football practice began while in high-school.

     It seemed it was always terribly hot just before Labor Day. School always started after the Holiday not in the middle of August as today. We always practiced with full pads and that didn't help matters either.

     The one thing you looked forward to, like a panting dog, was for someone  to bring out that metal carrier of six glass quart milk bottles full of cold water.(I'm sure you have seen these in an Antique store)  Noticed I just said cold. It came right out of a faucet in the locker room which I  cannot believe we actually changed clothes in. It was simply in the basement of the old grade school building and a long way down those concrete steps. Talk about dark and dingy. 

   But, needless to say, That was the best drink of water you could imagine. How we ever survived without some of these slick sports drinks of today, I'll never know. No! We didn't have a weight room either. We had what you would call lifting 50 lb. bales of hay!

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