Sunday, February 1, 2015


      The other day, a customer at the Burg Grocery was talking about cities visited by flying to these various locations. It reminded me of one of the better decisions, I have made in my lifetime.

     It was early 1980 and I had qualified for an incentive trip with the real estate company I was working for in West Des Moines. The reward was an all expense paid trip for two to a luxury condo near Tampa Bay, Florida.

     As I never had been to Florida or the deep south up until the time, I gave the transportation method some serious thought. After visiting with my wife at the time,it was decided to cash in the airline tickets and drive to Florida. 

     There was no problem with the real estate company, Stanbrough Realtors, in cashing in the tickets. I don't recall exactly, but, I do remember traveling through several southern states including Georgia and on the way back over through the Florida panhandle and on to New Orleans. Coming home, we came up through Mississippi and so forth.

     I got to see a lot of this country that I never have seen since. The cash from the airline tickets pretty much paid for the trip including lodging. Yes, it is always cool, I guess, to fly somewhere, but, sometimes you just need to do it by automobile. As it once was said-"See the USA in your Chevrolet."

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