Thursday, February 5, 2015


      Several years ago while visiting with a fellow church member around Laurel, Iowa, I mentioned how beautiful a particular vase was that she had in her home. She proceeded to tell the story of how it was acquired on a cattle buying trip to Chicago many years ago with her late husband. She described in detail the trip, where they stayed, the train ride, and where they ate and shopped.

     It was asked if she had at least written a short documentation of the trip and had put it inside of the vase. The reply was no, but, that her daughter knew the story. Her daughter may or may not be able to tell the story as well as the mother did in some detail. 

     If her story about the "vase" is put in writing, the family members that knew her will be able to hear her, in a way, actually telling the story. It will also have a special meaning to those who did not know her personally. Always try to at least write a brief description about the item you are leaving a loved one. It will give it added special meaning. That's the least you can do.

     My mother was very good at attaching a descriptive note to an old family quilt. She stuck a note down inside a Cobalt pitcher with matching glasses that was given as a wedding gift in 1932. It takes very little time and effort. 

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