Tuesday, February 10, 2015


          Yesterday, I drove up to Gilman and picked up my sister, Doris, and chauffeured her to Newton for a doctor's appointment related to her accident a few months ago. On leaving the appointment, we then headed to Walmart for a little needed shopping on her part.   

           This is where the fun for the day began. For those of you who shop at this Monster on a regular basis, I must commend you. It takes a special kind of courage, dedication, and a pinch of  some type of mental disorder. I am the one who needed the "walker." 

           I work part-time, three days a week at a grocery store and am on my feet constantly. Plus, I power walk every morning for 30 minutes. All that still did not prepare me for Walmart. Normally, I shop like a Marine. In-buy it- and get out! That simple. My record was at the Marshalltown  Center when I was in and out in eight minutes.

            Never have I shopped with anyone that long in the last 20 years. But, this was my sister and in a lot of ways I owe her much in my life. This experience paid me up, especially with the last phase of it by shopping for just a "few groceries." For a guy who "daily shops" for groceries, it was new territory!

            The best part was my reward after THE experience. We stopped and Doris treated me to lunch at the Newton Family Restaurant on the east side of town. Just a great "comfort food place" with yummy items like Country fried steak and hot beef sandwiches. The only downside, I stayed away from the delicious  pies that they had due to a diet mode that I am now on.

     Don't get me wrong. I would do it again and again for my sister.  She really knows how to reward her wimpy brother!


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