Thursday, February 26, 2015


      I want to wish my Aunt Mary Elizabeth Laverty a Happy Birthday this date of February 28th.  I won't reveal the date she was born here as you never tell a ladies age.

      As the song by Tom Jones goes-"She had style, she had grace," and yes,  she was a lady. As soon as you met her, you loved her. If you didn't like my Aunt Mary then the problem was with you. 

      Two of my favorite memories of her involved times when I would buy flowers for someone on  a special occasion. I would instruct the florist to make up an arrangement of flowers that looked just like they had been picked from a roadside or meadow. That was the way my Aunt Mary would have arranged them!

    Another fond memory was one time our family being invited over to my Aunt Mary and Uncle Paul's home for dinner. The one thing I felt was really "cool" and showed a touch of class was being informed that dinner would be served at 8 P.M. Wow! That was just like they ate in the big cities not here on the farm-usually at 6 P.M. For years, just thinking about that always brought a smile to my lips. Again, Happy Birthday! We still all love you!


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