Tuesday, February 17, 2015


      While visiting with a customer the other day at the Burg Grocery, the topic obviously came around to the topic of weather. It always does it seems like. On occasion, I have tried to change the subject , but, usually to no avail.

     It was a typical cold winter day and I did mention, though, that  by my own barometer, by February 15th it was downhill and the weather would very shortly be getting nicer. The worst, in my estimation, was over. 

     This particular gentleman's reply was not really what I expected; "There is always a lot of bad weather in March." Maybe I am too much of an optimist in most things. I realize the world could end tomorrow, but, that is no way to live. And, oh yes, I really get tire of hearing it gets closer to girls basketball tournament time, that a storm will be coming that week!

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