Saturday, February 7, 2015


      Recently, I was referred to a lady here in the Williamsburg area who has some really interesting family stories to tell. This past week, I went to her home to sit down an listen and at the same time was prepared to take notes.

     The one thing I was prepared to do was make sure the four basic questions would be reflected: Who, what, where, and why. For my own purposes, I made sure that I kept the interview within a certain time frame for her and my sake.

     She had two or three stories that she wanted to reveal and started to get into names, dates, and places simultaneously. This is where my stand-by "how do you eat the elephant" saying came in to play. From there, we "took one one bite at a time" and stayed  on one story. I took notes and was prepared for what I thought to be important questions pertaining to the story. 

     She turned out to be a fascinating  lady with two  family related stories. I am initially going to write them, but, not going to reveal her name or publish them on my Blog until I have her permission. She has one story coming up that I know will be extremely fascinating. I just hope I have not gone beyond my writing skills. Stay tuned!


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