Tuesday, February 17, 2015


      Yesterday at the Burg Grocery, I heard a couple of young ladies talking about how sick they got eating the same food while working at  a local Subway sandwich shop. I mentioned to them that I experienced a similar experience as a young man.

     While attending Marshalltown Junior College, as it was called in 1962,  I shared an apartment with two high school classmates at the time-Tracy Miiller and Rick Patterson. We first lived out on west State street and then moved to an apartment on south 4th or 5th ave close to Taylor's Maid Rite.

      Needless to say living that close to our favorite eatery, we found ourselves up there just about every night. This lasted for about two weeks and then it got old real fast. I don't remember what we did after that, but, I don't remember cooking all that much nor were the options of dining out as plentiful as today. We did survive and it didn't take too long before once again enjoying a couple of those tasty sandwiches with mustard and onion with a chocolate malt. I shouldn't be writing this just before lunch hour.   

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