Sunday, February 22, 2015


     The A.A. program has an old saying that says something like:" It took a while to get there so it will take time to get over it." I don't think those are the exact words, but, you get the message.

      Today, I made it to my first goal of a ten pound reduction. It took three weeks give or take. My next goal is a five pound reduction and hopefully will accomplish it in a ten to two week period. If I make my goal of at least another ten pounds within a reasonable amount of time, I will share any "big secrets." Don't look for any magical methods like the time, years ago, I quit smoking and used the "Dennis' Tootsie Pop method."

     The one thing I cannot believe is that I lost my final pound on a Saturday night and before going to bed having a chocolate covered cherry candy-O.K. three of them

-------------------stay tuned. P.S. 

At least putting this out there for a few to see, it helps the incentive!

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