Tuesday, February 10, 2015


      All the principles and techniques apply in working with a loved one or family member. Preparation and finding the right time that works for both of you is most important! Do not allow to be interrupted. 

     One of the best ways to start with a family member is to prepare a list of simple questions that have just a one word response. Example would be: In what city and state were you born, name of hospital or other location, name of doctor or mid-wife and so on. Simple one word questions/ answers will allow you to ease in to memories.

      Again, just like yourself this experience should not be too daunting or over-whelming. If you already know some stories that have been told, then list a few of those to choose initially. Take good notes and and later you can put the story together in complete form.   

     .In preparation, also consider initial topics that will bring up warm or humorous memories: A special birthday, a best friend in school, their wedding day. Remember, the list could be endless, but, a few good stories is better than no stories at all.

      Even if all you accomplish is a list of Favorite This and That's, a list of memories about your parents or friends, then you have the beginnings of something very special. Just use your imagination, patience and it will be rewarding and fun. 

     Lastly and maybe most important, say focused. Don't let your familty member get into too many stories without finishing details about one or two stories.   

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