Thursday, February 19, 2015


         Through the years, I would estimate that I have lost somewhere in the area of 500-1,000 pounds in my lifetime. Yes, if I count all the little diets just to lose 5 lbs. or so at different times. No, I don't need to be lectured about eating smaller portions, cutting out desserts, no snacks after eight o'clock, drinking more water and whatever!

     After seventy years of enjoying eating all kinds of good food,it boils down to the fact that I am a gluten! It is a wonder that I don't weigh closer to 300 lbs. instead of hovering around the 200 mark! 
    But, I am giving it another chance and figure this could be my last shot. I started this diet march the first of February. You don't think I wa going to start dieting on the week of my birthday. I am not totally insane. So far I have lost 10 lbs. which is always the easiest.

     I have basically eliminated evening snacks altogether, a modest breakfast, lunch and not as modest supper or dinner. The weekends have been a PUSH, but, that's O.K. Man cannot live by bread alone , but, must have a little peanut butter along the way.

     Nest week, I plan on going on a little three day mini diet within the bigger plan. I use to do this regimen when wanting to just lose 5 lbs. or so. One thing I will say that it is nice even losing the first ten lbs. as it feels a lot better and easier putting on my socks and getting up from the couch. I don't have to say Ugh! quite as often.

     ---------stay tuned for progress.

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