Thursday, February 26, 2015


      Recently, I was listening to one of my all time favorite songs on the radio-Piano Man by Billy Joel. It ranks right up there with Hotel California by the Eagles.The lyrics are poetic genius and probably one of THE best by Joel.

     It brought back memories when I "wore clothes of a younger man still" and used to frequent Johnny Vet's Club in West Des Moines. It sat off 63rd St. by the Racoon River, and also a junk yard across the street. But, it was in my era and earlier a place to dine. Old Johnny Stamatelos, of Greek heritage, that owned it, greeted you at the door each evening, wished you a good night when leaving and served the best American dishes. And there was where I  fell in love with a Greek Salad. 

      One of the specialties was a  Bob's Special. It was a top sirloin served on a tailored metal   plate with a pad of butter melting on top. Oh My! Then when you were through eating, you made your way to the area where someone played your favorite tunes in the piano bar.

     There were others around town at the time , but, the one at Johnny's was special. If you had a favorite place like Johnny's  that you enjoyed  your favorite after dinner drink,  all you have to do is spin a little of Billy Joel and go back to those special times.

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