Tuesday, February 17, 2015


        The other day I spotted a young fellow at our local drug store behind one of the shelving displays. I swore he was standing on a foot stool so he could get a better look at a certain item. After looking closer, he obviously wasn't standing on anything, but, stood at least something a little under seven foot.

      It reminded me of the time when standing in the Miami airport years ago, in the 1980's, waiting for some luggage to arrive on the carousel. I had looked down at a rotating carousel further down from mine, and thought I had witnessed a guy standing up on it to retrieve luggage that possibly was stuck or jammed in some way.

     No! It wasn't standing on anything after looking closer. He was really really tall and as it turned out was the center for the Utah Jazz professional basketball team.His name was Mark Eaton. He stood around seven foot and a half  feet tall and at the time was considered the tallest player in the NBA. The reason he was in Miami, along with others like Bobby Hansen, was the NBA All-Star Game. 

      He was tall ! I think it would get old ducking through doorways!

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