Tuesday, July 11, 2017


        This past week-end, I stayed with my sister, Doris, while she recovers from some lower back issues. I do enjoy being somewhat a caretaker, especially for my big sister! But, one thing I always run into is when it comes to preparing meals for her. No matter how small I make the portions they are always too much or "I can't eat all that!"

        Sometimes I think she will fade away with what little she eats. But, honestly she doesn't seem to have any weight loss issues.On the other-hand she has all kinds of food in her refrigerator and in storage areas. None seems to be outdated, but, just lots and lots of food of various types. By her standards she could graze on all this until early 2018!

        On the other hand, I continually have had weight gain issues through-out my lifetime and frequently am dieting. I buy food on a daily basis and my "fridge" is usually kept quite bare and for a very good reason. If it is in there I will probably eat it! That simple. 

       So go figure. How does she eat "left over Zeno's pizza" on a fairly frequesnt basis , keep her weight in check, and yet maintain this huge stockpile of food and under control. All I can figure out is that someone comes in during the night while she is sleeping and raids her ice-box and the following night puts much back again. 

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