Saturday, July 15, 2017


         This past Thursday evening, 7/13,2017, I was headed to Gladbrook, Iowa to have an early evening dinner with my cousin Bonita Bueghly Johansen who lives in the Traer area. I was coming from Gilman and my sister Doris' place then heading north and skirting the east side of Marshalltown and through Green Mountain.

         I had called my cousin to tell her I was running a little`early and all was good. I had no more than hung up when I hit a road construction zone. I had to sit and wait for that "lead car" to return from the other end of the construction area to the lead the group of cars I was in and proceed. 

       It seemed like an eternity before that car returned to lead us through. I thought it maybe had some kind of car trouble or accident. I was starting to "steam" a little. It still turned out that my counsin and I still arrived at the restaurant in Gladbrook at nearly the same time. Moral of the story. Some things you just cannot control so just sit back, relax,and go with the flow! Afterall, it was only around 5PM and the night was still young. 

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