Thursday, July 27, 2017


        This past Sunday, I attended my first big time NASCAR race, the Brickyard 400, at the Indianapolis 500 Speedway, in Speedway, Indiana. Although for many years back during the late 1970's, 80's, and early 90's, I had attended a dozen or so Indy Style racing at this same track.

         It had been on my bucket list for many years to see a NASCAR race, but, never could talk anyone in to going with me or making the time. This year, 2017, was the year. And, it was a ticket for one and I treated myself to a seat right on the start/finish line to experience all excitement on that front straight away. 

          The flagman in his perch was in front of me along with many of the pit areas of the 40 autos/drivers. Through the years of attending the Indy style racing, my seat was usually on the third turn where you could experience those machines coming right at you doing 200 MPH. That experience never got old.

          On this day it was a shear thrill to see and hear those 40 cars "start their engines" and proceed around that 2 1/2 mile oval with a three lap parade. But, when that green flag was dropped and those 40 machines sped past my seat and on their way to hitting 200 MPH my whole body became electrified! The sound, power, and speed, is an experience that one will never havein any other sporting event. If everyone could only know that rush and thrill, there wouldn't be enough sitting room here at Indy or anywhere else.

          I will be back to the Brickyard I guarantee it and probably will be "Coming soon to a track near you!" To be continued----------------------

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