Monday, July 31, 2017
I went to see this movie Saturday and have been waiting for all summer as there has not been, in my estimation, a really good movie in theaters all summer. It was excellent! One piece of advise before you go is to do a little homework about the event itself. It will help immensely in understanding the whole event clearer.
It is a guys kind of movie with no love story and actually not even a woman with a major speaking part. And, as a war movie there is tragedy and killing, but, nothing I would call extremely gross! Well worth a look at an important event in history!
I know now that I am a little older I don't walk as fast like I did years ago. But, one of my pet peeves is when someone comes up behind me and walks very close and acts like I am going to keep walking forever or maybe I'll just disappear!
What I have done when this happens is simply STOP. I just let the person run into me or hopefully they will stop. Another tactic is to step aside sharply and just stare at the person. I wish there was a way I could legally issue a ticket for "Human Tailgating!"
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Someone recently mentioned when they could remember having their shoes shined. It brought back memories of having my shoes shined on occasion at a stand in the lobby of the Des Moines Building @ 6th & Locust, in downtown Des Moines, Iowa.
While working at Allied Mutual Insurance Company just south of Vet's Auditorium, I would walk to downtown at lunch time and having my shoes shined was a big treat. I loved to watch the guy apply the paste with his fingers, also apply a liquid around the soles for added color, and then get that rag out and shine away with an occasional "snap! " It was a performance.
Those guys were artists and they always knew what was going on and passing along that information from their valued customers. Along the same lines, were the many small shoe repair shops that were through-out the city. A vanished breed!
"What do you get if you cross a termite and a praying mantis? Something that says Grace before eating your house'!
Friday, July 28, 2017
This past Sunday at the NSCAR Brickyard 400 and the Indianapolis Speedway, one thought swept through my mind when those drivers started up their engines. Since I had attended by myself and the adjacent seat was not taken, my only thought was how much enjoyment my late brother-in-law, Clyde Eddy would have had that day.
If it would have been possible he would have been my first choice to join me at this or any big time NSCAR race. Some of my fondest memories as a young teenager were attending several stock car races with him at Knoxville and Newton, Iowa on those famous dirt tracks.
I remember so well sitting in the infield at Knoxville in his pick-up very late into the evening while he attended to one of the racing teams with his extraordinary mechanical skills. When all those 40 cars were started, it took me immediately back to those very fond memories. I almost began to cry and not in a bad way! I only hope that Clyde will join me for many more racing thrills!
Thursday, July 27, 2017
This past Sunday, I attended my first big time NASCAR race, the Brickyard 400, at the Indianapolis 500 Speedway, in Speedway, Indiana. Although for many years back during the late 1970's, 80's, and early 90's, I had attended a dozen or so Indy Style racing at this same track.
It had been on my bucket list for many years to see a NASCAR race, but, never could talk anyone in to going with me or making the time. This year, 2017, was the year. And, it was a ticket for one and I treated myself to a seat right on the start/finish line to experience all excitement on that front straight away.
The flagman in his perch was in front of me along with many of the pit areas of the 40 autos/drivers. Through the years of attending the Indy style racing, my seat was usually on the third turn where you could experience those machines coming right at you doing 200 MPH. That experience never got old.
On this day it was a shear thrill to see and hear those 40 cars "start their engines" and proceed around that 2 1/2 mile oval with a three lap parade. But, when that green flag was dropped and those 40 machines sped past my seat and on their way to hitting 200 MPH my whole body became electrified! The sound, power, and speed, is an experience that one will never havein any other sporting event. If everyone could only know that rush and thrill, there wouldn't be enough sitting room here at Indy or anywhere else.
I will be back to the Brickyard I guarantee it and probably will be "Coming soon to a track near you!" To be continued----------------------
This past Sunday, July 23, 2017, I attended the the Brickyard 400 NASCAR race at the Indianapolis 500 Speedway. A fellow and his wife from Louisville, Kentucky sat beside me. Before the race started, he leaned over and asked his wife if she had brought the"carrots."
I couldn't resist. With a smile, I reminded him that this was a NASCAR race and it that it didn't seem like the thing to do by eating carrots. A real fan would be eating a hot dog, Tenderloin, and a beer!
I made it to my first big goal of losing 20 pounds. It took me a little over three months to achieve it, but, better late than never. I know I could have achieved it much sooner, but through the long walk in the desert, I stopped at quite a few oasis.'
The key for me has been eating "normal" portions and no snacks after supper and before bed-time. Hopefully, my next notch down will be somewhat easier as it only represents five pounds. With that in mind. the thirty pound goal overall seems to be on the horizon!
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Yesterday, Friday July 21, 2017, was another very hot day and with extremely high humidity. All day I had been hearing about this hot trend and then finally this lady put a little different twist to it.
While assisting this lady by putting groceries in to her trunk she put the weather topic out there very simply. "This weather is a challenge!" I started to chuckle and told her that I had never heard it mentioned that way.
Most generally it is something like "Boy, this is terrible and I hope we don't get a big storm out of it or even my horses are panting!" But, the weather is a challenge! Funny.
Friday, July 21, 2017
A co-worker just got back from a family vacation to the Dells in Wisconsin and spent time in the town of Baraboo. That was the first time I had heard of that town and only seemed appropriate being in Wisconsin.
There are some towns that are right up there as some of my all time favorites, and this one may also be included. Part of my list includes Ogallala, Nebraska, Puuduka, Ky, Sheboygan, Wisc, and Hoboken, New Jersey. What's yours?
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Back in my selling real estate days, I recall,on one occasion, where I lost my temper during a presentation of an offer to a seller along with the listing agent. The first thing out of the seller's mouth was the suggestion that I should consider "cutting" my commission.
I did not reply at the time, but, simply "slammed" my brief case shut and proceeded to walk out of the office where the meeting took place. The listing agent followed me out and convinced me to return and continue on with the negotiation.
After that there was no more mention of cutting anyone's commission and I was able to put the "deal" together! It may not been the best tactic to use at the time, but, the sound of that brief case slamming shut seemed to get everyone's attention and to know that I was not going to be intimidated!
This past Sunday night I watched the western movie "Shane" on the Turner Classic Channel. It originally was released in 1953 and starred Alan Ladd. It was filmed and the backdrop setting was the Teton's in Wyoming and in color.
That year or so, my family was vacationing in Colorado and we saw the movie in Colrado Springs, Colorado. I was only nine or ten at the time and didn't remember too much about it. At the end their was a big gun showdown between Alan Ladd and the famous "bad guy" actor Jack Palance.
After all those years, I thought I remembered the showdown scene as out in the street in front of the saloon. It was actually done inside. Amazing how your memory can change over time. It was one of the western classics!
Sunday, July 16, 2017
How many of you remember the great coach of the Green Bay Packers during the 1960's? One time he was to have said something like the following.---"We will give you all our plays and will still beat you because we are better than you so it won't matter."
That's the way I feel about this whole Russian nonsense and how the Russians are going to "Destroy our demcracy!" They are a Third World Country with Nukes. Their GNP is less than half of California. When was the last time you heard of very many people knocking the doors down to get in to Russia, or China, Iran, Syria, and the list goes on and on. They are not our enemy and even if they are let's "Keep them Closer!"
This late AM, Sunday July 16,,2017, I shot uo to North Liberty after almost falling asleep during the new Planet of the Apes movie. (another story) For those of you who aren't familiar with this part of the state, North Liberty lies due north of Corrallville/Iowa City area just a few short miles and just off Interstate #
I was given a tip about the Blue Bird Cafe up there and how good the brunch was. I had been to the Blue Bird in Iowa City a few years ago. The one there is located just northeast of the Iowa City loop and reminds you of a neighborhood eatery in a much larger city complete with outdoor/sidewalk dining.
Their place in North Liberty is located in a strip mall and somewhat the usual suburb setting. At 11:45 AM the place was packed complete with an overspill waiting outside. I marched right in like I owned the place and with Luck-of-the Irish, I was immediately seated at the counter with the only spot available!
While I waited for my much anticipated Eggs Benedict, I gave a slice of Lemon Cheesecake a try. Dessert first. Why not? I also studied their menu further while waiting for potential future visits. There it was! A Crab-Cake Po'Boy. Maybe one day after an Iowa Hawkeye football game!
Yesterday, July 15,2017, I spent the day with my sister Doris while she is on the mend from some lower back issues. Here is the reason I know she is making a miraculous recovery. When her appetite returns 100%, I know she is OK.
Thanks to the tip and/or reminder from Doris' highschool classmate and friend, I prepared for lunch in-bone browned pork chops and then covered and simmered for 45 minutes or so in liquid. They were s-o-o-o tender. Along with that, we injoyed some sweet corn from Long's of Marshalltown,and then we topped it off with some fresh strawberries over ice cream.
Not once did I hear--"I can't eat all this or this is too much or even I'll finish this later!" She ate like a Ravished Pirate. (just kidding.) And, she complimented me on being a very good cook! I'm not sure now. Maybe I should have a Shrink take a look. Keep going Doris, we have that trip to North Dakota coming up!
Saturday, July 15, 2017
This past Thursday evening, 7/13,2017, I was headed to Gladbrook, Iowa to have an early evening dinner with my cousin Bonita Bueghly Johansen who lives in the Traer area. I was coming from Gilman and my sister Doris' place then heading north and skirting the east side of Marshalltown and through Green Mountain.
I had called my cousin to tell her I was running a little`early and all was good. I had no more than hung up when I hit a road construction zone. I had to sit and wait for that "lead car" to return from the other end of the construction area to the lead the group of cars I was in and proceed.
It seemed like an eternity before that car returned to lead us through. I thought it maybe had some kind of car trouble or accident. I was starting to "steam" a little. It still turned out that my counsin and I still arrived at the restaurant in Gladbrook at nearly the same time. Moral of the story. Some things you just cannot control so just sit back, relax,and go with the flow! Afterall, it was only around 5PM and the night was still young.
I love to travel this great country of ours and never get tired of seeing new landscapes whether it be the Rockies, the Oregon Coast, Maine, or the Smokey's. This ol' USA is an amzing and beautiful country. However, after once agian driving home the other evening from the Marshalltown, Iowa area, I was warmly touched once again by the view that surrounded me along the Iowa River Valley.
All that expance of green fields of corn, beans, and a scattering of golden oat fields and streches of forests along the way. This is truly a beautiful state and am happy to be living here and especially right now with all this glorious green.
Earlier this summer, I wrote a story about a local lady her convertible and my sister Deborah and her Mustang rag-top. One thing I forgot to include was the new 1959 Chevy convertible that my sister Doris owned in that late decade. That car was cool also. It was sea mist green with a white top. That year of Chevy had those big sweeping rear tail wings.
In addition, my mother had a four door hard-top white 1959 Chevy at the same time. To keep their hair from blowing around, the ladies wore "scarfs" at the time and not base-ball caps. I suppose there were those that just let their hair blow in the wind. My biggest thrill was being able to take that convertible to a school prom. What a thrill!
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
This past week-end, I stayed with my sister, Doris, while she recovers from some lower back issues. I do enjoy being somewhat a caretaker, especially for my big sister! But, one thing I always run into is when it comes to preparing meals for her. No matter how small I make the portions they are always too much or "I can't eat all that!"
Sometimes I think she will fade away with what little she eats. But, honestly she doesn't seem to have any weight loss issues.On the other-hand she has all kinds of food in her refrigerator and in storage areas. None seems to be outdated, but, just lots and lots of food of various types. By her standards she could graze on all this until early 2018!
On the other hand, I continually have had weight gain issues through-out my lifetime and frequently am dieting. I buy food on a daily basis and my "fridge" is usually kept quite bare and for a very good reason. If it is in there I will probably eat it! That simple.
So go figure. How does she eat "left over Zeno's pizza" on a fairly frequesnt basis , keep her weight in check, and yet maintain this huge stockpile of food and under control. All I can figure out is that someone comes in during the night while she is sleeping and raids her ice-box and the following night puts much back again.
A lady came in to the Burg Grocery Monday with a blue seerscker shirt on and the memory tape started to roll once again. It took me back to a time in the 1950's while on a summer vacation with my mom and sisters. It seemed she always had a seersucker clothing item or two that she brought along.
One thing neat about that material it never really seemed to wrinkle and you could rinse it out and it would dry easily for the next day's wear. Through the years, I have always thought about buying something seersucker, but, just never did. Well no more. Before doing this story, I just ordered through Land's End, a "pink" short sleeve shirt! Not one word about pink either!
Friday, July 7, 2017
Yesterday I stopped in to my favorite sandwich shop while in Marshalltown. Of course I'm talking about Taylor's Maid-Rite. I had my usual one with everything and decided on a Vanilla Malt with a double shot of malt which I have not indulged in a long time with my diet getting in the way.
When near finishing, some guy down the counter stood up and announced that he had been coming to Taylor's for over 60 years. It took me an instant to realize that I probably have been going there for close to 70 years. Although, I'm not sure exactly when my folks took me to the original place across the street.
For once I decided to keep my mouth shut and not let the world know how old I am even though there was the temptation to trump the other guys story. Yes sir! Sometimes you just need to stay silent.
Yesterday I was watching Jeaporady with my sister Doris at her home in Gilman, Iowa. One of the questions was something about a nine letter word that means a "Storyteller." The answer was Ranconteur which I will admit I was not familiar with. I think I'll stick to Storyteller as Raconteur sounds somewhat sinister.
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
Sunday afternoon, July 2, 2017 I attended for the third time the performance of the "Million Dollar Quartet" at the Old Creamery Theatre in Amana, Iowa. I had seen it a week ago or so,but, as my sister Doris couldn't attend due to a back ailment, I was allowed to use the ticket again at a future performance.
I had no problem watching it again for the third time(1st time a year ago) as the story about the first and only time that Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins(Blue Suede Shoes), and Johnny Cash appeared together at Sun Records in Memphis, Tennessee on December, 4, 1956 with Sam Phillips their founder.
This musical put on by local actors is top quality and the premise is at a time when R&R was getting its start. Being a lover of live music and theater, I could probably watch this performance over and over for many more times. I hope it returns again soon!
Back in May there was an article in the Des Moines Register outlining the Best burger in Iowa by the Iowa Cattlemen's Association. One of the top ten was a place in North Liberty and close to my home in Williamsburg called the Beer Burger.
I decided it was time to gie ita try and after attending the last performance of "The Million Dollar Quartet" at the Old Creamery Theatre in Amana, I headed east and to give this top burger place a go!
The place sits on the western edge of town in a fairly new area. Walking in to the restaurant one is hit with several big screen TV's as is the norm today along with the open kitchen, stark concrete floors and all metal table and chairs for "Low Maintainace."
One thing for sure was that my plain cheeseburger was extremely good as billed, but one thing I found for a burger joint in eastern Iowa was that they didn't have French nor Thousand Island Dressing. Yet, they had a dozen other types of dressings. Really? They also touted Shakes, but, when asked if they made Malts the answer was no! I'll pass.
Despite the fact that the burger was very tasty,I'll probably not go back. My own word would be that it is just a little too "Slick." I guess I'm past the new trendy/in places. Give me that little cozy old fashion place in some small town or not that has just good "comfort food."
Don't get me wrong. If you can suggest a "fancy spancy" place with really good food and a fair value, I will be right there to give it a try. But, as long as there are places like That Place near Conrad, Iowa with the best Prime Rib in the state that's where you will find me.
Sunday, July 2, 2017
This past week. in the Des Moines Register there was a column "Dear Abby" dealing with "Suicide rate among older men overlooked!" It got my attention as I guess I am an older man.
It dealt with the fact that men don't express their feelings like women do and that suicide rates are double for men over 70 than the overall rate. Two things that made me feel OK with myself is that I still thoroughly enjoy eating and cooking for myself- maybe a little too much.
Plus, I never just sit around feeling lonely and sorry for myself. I look forward to doing new things and going to new places. The big key is if you hear me just talk about eating left-overs and only walking around the Burg in circles, better call the guys in the "White Suits!"
Just when you think you've heard everything get ready for something new. While sacking groceries for an elderly lady at the Burg Grocery she turned to me and simply said with a smile- "This would be a nice day to take someone younger out of town for a couple of days!" I asked her to repeat the statement as I wasn't sure I heard her right. I guess I heard her right, but, had no idea what she meant by it. Was also afraid to ask!
Saturday, July 1, 2017
This past week I made a dessert item that I spotted in BH&G. It was one of the most mouth wattering treats I had seen in a long time. I am not into making desserts because that's all I need to do to keep my weight in check--somewhat!
But this one was calling to me and I rose to the challenge. It was in the June issue and was called "Peaches & Cream Prosecco Cake!" I gave it a whirl without the Prosecco and another added attraction to this dessert was the fact that Missouri Peaches just came in to season. Most know that the Missouri Peaches are THE best.
So as not to give into this three layer white cake, I did take it into work on Friday,6/30/2017, to share with fellow employees. It dissappeared quickly. Thank goodness. I will say that I had no business making such a huge dessert, but, making it was challenging and fun at the same time. Especially in making the frosting.
I have to admit at my age of 73, I have never made a frosting of any kind from scratch--only out of a can. The most fun was beating the heavy cream and cream cheese mixture with my hand mixer and waiting for the stiff "peaks" to form. I may just do this from time to time for kicks. Going from thick liquid to the end result was like magic!
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