Sunday, June 11, 2017


       Moving the Reunion to Haverhill, going Potluck, and changing the time of day to the noon, would it be too much of a change? The answer was none of the above. My opinion it that it was a great turnout and a success despite the hot weather and all the changes. 

      Everyone in attendance seemed really happy to be there. The enclosed shelter house at the Haverhill Park was smaller than the Fellowship Hall at the United Methodist Church in Laurel, but, with maybe a fewer people in attendance, it felt like more. 

       The change to Potluck was a fantastic idea. With all the wonderful and delicious homemade delights and way too much to be eaten, it was a dream come true for someone like myself who loves Potlucks. Give me this array of "loving homemade comfort food pleasure" over the "Fancy" spreads anytime!

         It was also nice to have it held at the noon hour so some that had long distances to drive home could do so by early evening. The date of the 10th of June  worked better as it would not interfere with Father's Day. Who says older  people can't change? All in all I think the 2017 Reunion was a total success and look forward to next year. Three things for sure that was voted on by those in attendance. Next year it will be held at noon, the 2nd Saturday in June, and it will be Potluck. Let's hear an Amen for the Potluck!  


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