Sunday, December 18, 2016


        This past Monday, December 12, 2016, I was downtown Chicago with my sisters on a little business/pleasure trip. To say the least, it was cold and with that wind blowing in from Lake Michigan always makes matters worse.

        My first observation with winter wear was noticing young men wearing  their stylish Pea Coats cut just above their rear-ends. If you are going to stay warm anyone knows that part of your body has to be covered. 

     Next, I remembered back in the 1980's when visiting Chicago around Christmas time almost everyone was wearing a genuine fur coat. I swear that on one ocassion I felt I was the only person wearing a cloth knee length trench coat. Of course, today we all know you cannot wear "fur!"

      While walking along in the freezing cold, I mentioned to my sister Deborah that a "Carhartt" coat was needed. She had never heard of a Carhartt. Never heard of one of  the most warm coat going! Big city people! I live in a small rural farm community where every third person is sporting one during the winter months! 

       If I lived in Chicago, I think I would have a Air Force parka with fur lined hood and a pair of old fashion snow pants. Oh ya! And, my old ski mittens! It always amazes me why you want to freeze to death just for the sake of looking COOL!  

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