Tuesday, December 20, 2016


       Are any of you old enough to remember when your mother had a meat grinder that she attached to the side of the kitchen counter or a table? She then ground up the meat with an attached handle and out it came. 

        My best memory was when my mother took left-over pot roast and ground it up for sandwiches. She would mix in with the beef salad dressing and some finely diced up sweet pickle. It was absolutely delicious! So simple of a left-over, but, oh so good!

        Since I mis-placed my old meat grinder that my sister, Doris bought for me years ago, I had our butcher at the Burg Grocery grind some cooked rump roast for me. I added a little mayo and some diced sweet pickle. Although it was very good, I am not sure it was as good as my memory serves me. 

         I think as we get older our taste buds change and maybe sometimes we just can't go back. Even if I never attempt to make this left-over meal again,I will always have very fond memories of those ground beef sandwiches at the kitchen table many years ago! 

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