Tuesday, December 20, 2016


       We all have gotten a song stuck in our head and it just won't leave. I have carried it to another obsessive compulsive level. A couple of weeks ago I heard an old dance song on the inter-com at the Burg Grocery.

        It was a song from my dancing days during the 1990's at a club called  Denny Arthur's in Urbandale, Iowa. The place was great for the "older" crowd as early in the evening the disc jockey would play really old tunes from the 1960's and 1970's. And, as the evening progressed he would work up through the 1980's and then current stuff from the 1990's. At that point I was out of there!

       One of my favorite songs to dance to was a 1980's song by the group The Gap called "You Dropped A Bomb On Me!" When I heard the song  at the store it wouldn't leave my head. I finally went home and ordered a CD of it from Amazon. Now I have been playing it over and over just like other songs from the past ie: Steely Dan. Just give me a few more days of playing it while driving around and it will get old. So shoot me!!

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