Sunday, December 18, 2016


        This past Wednesday, December 14, 2016, I arrived home after work and flipped on the old TV. I have Mediacom cable and it was OUT! Next, I tried to fire up the old Computer and I couldn't get connected to the internet. I left my charger to my cell phone this past week-end at my sister's home` in NW Indiana so was reluctant to use in much until I purchased another one on Thursday.

         It was a strange feeling to think that you were cut off from the outside world via technology. I even got rid of my old radio long ago, but, thought about just sitting in the car for awhile and listening to the radio. 

        My next move was going to the Library and using their computers. Guess what! No internet either. It left me with no alternative but to check out a book at a library of all places! It was a great decision and maybe a good sign of some kind. I went home and curled up with a John Grisham novel----"Rogue Lawyer!" I should have done this a long time ago without the assistance of losing "tech" stuff. On this extremely cold December Sunday, you will find me in my new Laz-E-Boy with a good book!

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