Thursday, December 1, 2016


       For years I have to admit that I have not sent out Christmas cards i any shape or form except for very close family. This year I decided to change all that. I am an old throw back to the philosophy of Hallmark's slogan--"When you Care Enough To Send the Very Best."

         I used to say if you got a card of any kind from me, I at least took the time to go to a better card shop and took the time to view several cards and send that special person with how I personally wanted to express the ocassion. 

       This year I purchased a box of old fashion greeting cards from a local card shop, but, sorry to say not the Hallmark brand. Anyway, it does say Merry Christmas and not just Happy Holiday like some today. I figured that each card sent with stamp came to around $1.50 each. My conclusion is if good friends, old class-mates, and family are not worth that much then what the ---! 

        Don't get me wrong. The important thing is to be remembered what ever the method--old fashion card, a computer designed card or just a telephone call. I am a little iffy on a tweet, text, or a simple Facebook message! Merry Christmas to you all and may you all find happiness and prosper in the New Year!  

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