Saturday, December 24, 2016


       The other night I was watching a re-run of Johnny Carson and his guest was Jonathan Winters. I always thought he was on of the best old time comedians ever especially with improvisation. 

        One of his best characters that he used was Elwood P. Suggins. One time I called a friend of mine who sold real-estate in Des Moines, under the pretense of being Mr. Suggins. Back in the 1990's the telephone number did not appear on your phone so you didn't know who was calling.

      I told my friend that I was "Suggins" from Topeka, Kansas and I got her number off a wall at a truck stop. I was moving to Des Moines and was looking for an inexpensive home for my wife and five kids. She fell for my "ruse"`and I finally had to tell her that it was me. I can't believe I got away with it! 

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