Wednesday, July 18, 2018


        Last Friday, 7/13/2018, while at my favorite eatery, I overheard the following. A lady was standing at the southwest corner and was getting an order to go. She started by saying something like--"Can I get such and such---!"

             My son, when he was younger would always order in a restaurant by saying "Can I get or have whatever---!" I used to tell him that someday a server is going to say -- No, you can't have that!" Just simply say, when ordering, "I would like such and such --Please!"

      The other comment I heard from the lady sitting next to me was----"This(Maid-Rite) is really good TODAY!" When I hear that phrase with today thrown in---like a check out person at the grocery when they say that will be $30.22 TODAY. I want to reply "What was it yesterday or will be tomorrow?"

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