Saturday, December 22, 2018


          One of my favorite Oriental dishes through the years has been Sweet and Sour Pork. It's been around and a staple at Chinese Restaurants as long as I can remember. Somewhere along the way, in the last few years, it has become Sweet and Sour Chicken in a lot of locations. 

           During the early 2000's, there was an Oriental Buffet on Main Street in Marshalltown, Iowa and the chicken version was all they carried. I was even informed by the manager that I was the "only" one who requested S&S Pork. (When somebody tells you that you are the only one you knows it's a lie.)

           I think the real truth is that chicken is cheaper than pork and maybe for health reasons more people have switched. But, I would think that the Pork Producer'as Association would intervene.

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