Sunday, December 23, 2018


       Last week while demonstrating strawberry cheesecake at the West Lakes Hy Vee in WDM, an old high school cheer popped in to my head out of nowhere. "Strawberry shortcake blueberry pie V-I-C-T-O-R-Y. Are we in it well I guess Laurel High School-Yes! Yes! Yes!

           One has to wonder what else is stored in our brains from the past that just sits up there and maybe never comes out. And why, does an old high school cheer remembered and not some well known quote from Shakespeare.v always  It is amazing that we remember names from the past, but, not necessarily someone we just met this past week. 

            I've met two or three people that I knew years ago at the Hy Vee lately and due to 30-40 years passing knew them just by their voice. I guess we all have certain gifts or "talents." For the life of me I can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday!

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