Saturday, September 8, 2018


         On Tuesday, August 28th, 2018, my sister, Doris, and I headed north up I-35 through Minnesota for the great state of North Dakota. It's been a standard joke for many many years about going there as, I guess, you never hear of anyone going there for a vacation. For me, it was the last of two states that I have never been to along with Alaska. 

          Doris has always enjoyed traveling to the states like North and South Dakota along with Wyoming because of their wide open spaces. I always thought it was kind of silly putting emphasis on or traveling to somewhere that I considered just a lot of rolling "nothingness."  

   Boy, was I wrong again. It seems like every time she suggests something that I don't think is worthwhile it turns out to be one of the most enjoyable things I end up doing. Case in point were a couple of "Country Western" concerts that I attended with her many years ago. When all  was said and done, I think I had more fun than she did.

        This trip to North Dakota and eastern Wyoming turned  out to really bite me you know where and I'll try to convince you why. All I can say is that in some ways, maybe, I saved the best till last.  Stay tuned!



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