Thursday, March 26, 2015


     While carrying out groceries for a lady the other day at the Burg Grocery, she informed me that we would be moving slowly as she just had knee surgery.

      It wasn't due to anything as exciting as a ski accident, but, evidently just plain old wear and tear on the body. I had mentioned that so far I was fortunate at my age that hip or knee surgery was not necessary. In our discussion, I felt it was usually due to genetics, weight, and/or hard work.

    The next thing I knew she said something like "Yes, when I was younger I would start out about 8 in the morning and start moving these railroad ties--" That's when I stopped her in mid-sentence and had her start over. She and her husband had a landscape business and moved a lot of those heavy pieces in her day! No wonder! Maybe since I was a 135 pound weakling, some of these surgeries won't be necessary. Stay tuned!

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