Friday, March 6, 2015


      While waiting for our food to be served at the Hamburg Inn 2 the other day, I could hear the most incredible music being played from the kitchen. I asked the waitress to check it out for me as it sounded like Bob Dylan only a little to distinct and with lots of fiddle and a terrific beat. 

      She came out and informed us that the group was called the Water Boys. If you like music with a terrific beat that makes you want to tap your feet and clap your hands, you are in for a treat! They originated back in the early 1980's and the group members were from Ireland, Scotland, and England. It's like listening to Blue Grass cranked up a few notches.

     I am a lover of music and have always said that no matter how old we get, there is always a new musical treat waiting for us. A few years ago, I really enjoyed Gnarles Barkley and his hit Crazy. I do plan on checking it out even if I have to dig a little. One of my big pleasures is getting in my car, by myself, and putting in a few of my favorite tunes and hitting the road!

     If someday you pull up beside this old guy, and you can hear music being played real load, maybe a little Cajun or Cydeco, don't be too surprised. It's only Dennis!

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