Monday, March 9, 2015


I remember when we first moved to Williamsburg and it was a day similar to today, sunny and one of those early spring days when the temperature reaches into the 40's and low 50's. I had spotted an old guy that was, what I thought, to be over dressed for the day and temperature. He had on a long wool coat with old fashion rubber boots, heavy mittens, and a wool cap and ear muffs. 

      I remember thinking to myself that this old guy looked really strange or funny. Well, guess what. Today while working at the Burg Grocery and helping people out with their groceries, I was still putting on my gloves even though it must have reached 50 plus degrees. To make matters worse, this morning I was still wearing my Elmer Fudd hat with ear flaps, scarf over my face, and gloves while doing my early morning power walk. My excuse is that old habits are hard to break and not that I am this old guy too!

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