Tuesday, July 22, 2014


     When I was a younger man I was always observing what older folks were doing and convinced myself that I wouldn't be or do things like they did. Now that I am in that Senior category here is one of those things I try NOT to do.
     Years ago I observed this older guy in line ahead of me getting ready to pay for some item. Let's say his purchase was $5.32. He got out the $5.00 OK but, then out came the little plastic coin purse with the slit. Remember those?
     The amount of time it took him to count out that 32 cents a few years of my life flashed  before me! He couldn't see real well and, of course, the quarter he thought he had pulled out was actually a nickel. Out of frustration he dumps all the change out and SLOWLY counts it out by pushing the correct amount also very slowly towards the clerk.
     As a result of episodes like that, to this day, when possible, I pay with just dollars, receive any change back and when arriving home put it in a jar. Then, periodically take the change to the bank for a little "mad" money.

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