Monday, January 28, 2019


           I've always thought that my long term memory was pretty good about "trivia of long ago" until the other day while talking to a customer at the Westlakes Hy-Vee in West Des Mines. 

          It all started because this guy resembled my late cousin Larry Laverty. This fellow also had worked for the railroad and had spent time in Marshalltown, Iowa and his eyes lite up by his memory of Taylor's Maid-Rite. 

          In addition, he brought up the restaurant down by the railroad tracks that served the great chiffon pie. Do you think I could "spit out" the name of that long time local icon eatery. I know its name like my own, but, do you think I could come up with it. Even "Lloyd's" came immediately to mind as the two were owned by the same individual. 

           Yes, a little later "Stone's" popped back in to my brain, but, not until the Larry Laverty look-a-like had left the store. Sometimes you have to wonder what goes on up there or not. And yet, close to a dozen people from my past have come into the store and I recognized them all despite not seeing them in close to 40 years--and their names. Go figure!

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