Saturday, August 4, 2018


        This AM I was listening to CNN while driving down SW 9th Street in Des Moines  when I heard one of their biased commentators talking about a special election in Pennsylvania, I believe. 

      He was getting all worked about the fact that the race or according to polls to be dead even and that Trump had carried whatever by a 10 point advantage in the last election? To use a sports analogy a win is a win. It doesn't matter if it's by 1 point or 50 points, you mark it up in the win column. 

         And, as long as you keep winning, even though they may all be very close, you are still winning. In political matters that means to keep control and stay in power. It always buys you time to figure out what to do for the next BIG election. And, if you win that one only by the smallest of margins, then the same principal applies. It's a W! 

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